

2024-06-05 11:40:59中華網娛樂

德國 北德意誌文化廣播電台(NDR Kultur)

“He plays with verve, sparkling, swinging, light and also with a pinch of humor and mischief. Lang Lang offers the highest technical artistry, as does the Gewandhaus Orchestra, which supports him with drive and finesse, a Saint-Saëns orchestra par excellence. As one of the most important European orchestras at the time, it has worked with Saint-Saëns on several occasions and the orchestra, now with Andris Nelsons on the podium.”

“他演奏時充滿活力,光彩奪目,輕快搖擺,輕盈而又帶著一絲幽默和調皮。郎朗展現了最高水準的技術藝術,而布商大廈管弦樂團也同樣以精湛的技巧和細膩的演奏支持著他,成為聖-桑樂團中的佼佼者。作為當時最重要的歐洲管弦樂團之一,布商大廈管弦樂團曾多次與聖-桑合作,現在由安德裏斯·尼爾森斯(Andris Nelsons)接棒。

美國古典音樂媒體《The Classic Review》

“The faultlessly fluid and undulating piano passages really sparkle against the orchestra’s nicely managed sostenuto.”

“The pianist demonstrates his capacity for otherworldly and breathtaking transparency of sound that I honestly wished I could have heard even more of.”



法國知名雜誌《Le Figaro》

“Lang Lang, the most French of Chinese pianists.”



“The Carnival of animals is full of spirit and strongly performed. A fine piece of work.”



